January 28, 2023

ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence chat bot, successfully passes a law school exam.

A chatbot utilizing vast amounts of internet data has passed law school exams by composing essays on subjects such as constitutional law, torts, and taxation. This chatbot, known as ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, a company recently invested in by Microsoft, utilizes Artificial Intelligence to generate text from prompts.

A chatbot utilizing vast amounts of internet data has passed law school exams by composing essays on subjects such as constitutional law, torts, and taxation. This chatbot, known as ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, a company recently invested in by Microsoft, utilizes Artificial Intelligence to generate text from prompts.

The success of this chatbot has raised concerns of potential cheating and the potential end of traditional teaching methods. Professor Jonathan Choi of Minnesota University Law School gave ChatGPT the same exam given to students, which included 95 multiple-choice questions and 12 essay questions.

In a paper titled "ChatGPT goes to law school" published on Monday, the bot was reported to have received a C+ overall score.

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